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Crosbie Care Dental specialises in all types of veneers: porcelain and composite.

A veneer is a thin moulding custom-made from porcelain or composite, which is bonded to the front surface of a tooth. Veneers are a quick and effective solution to stained, chipped, misshaped or crooked teeth. They can also be used to cover gaps in teeth where orthodontic treatment may not be suitable.

After an initial consultation, our dentist will prepare the tooth. This may or may not involve shaving a tiny amount of enamel surface from the tooth, of the same thickness that the veneer will be, to ensure the tooth stays the same size. This prepares the tooth surface for bonding the veneer in place later. The preparation should not cause any pain, but in some cases, a local anaesthetic may be given to prevent any discomfort.

After preparation the tooth will look the same but in some cases, a temporary cover may be placed over the tooth, until the veneer is ready for fitting.

An impression is then taken of the mouth, which will be given to our dental technician for them to build your bespoke veneer.

Once the veneer is ready, the temporary cover is removed, and the veneer tested in place to ensure there are no imperfections, before being cemented into place.

Crosbie Care Dental will make sure you are happy with the veneer and that your bite is correct, making any adjustments that may be needed.

We can use on site technician to help with shade, appearance and any special features needed.



Call Crosbie Dental Care Today

To Discuss All Your Veneer Options

Tel: 020 7935 0557